The Key to Revival Today
The gospel is the power of God for the salvation of all who believe. Jesus commissioned his disciples to go into all the world to spread this gospel. But how can fearful, uneducated, ordinary people accomplish this great task? Jesus himself gave the answer: “You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth” (Acts 1:8).
The power of the Holy Spirit is seen in the book of Acts, from when the disciples were set ablaze by the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost, to Paul’s long-awaited arrival in Rome. Join with Pastor P. G. Mathew as he exposits how this power is now available to us also in spreading the good news of new life in Christ.
652 pages
ISBN: 978-0-9771149-7-9
"As the title states, this is a book about power—the power of the gospel to save sinners, and the power given to timid, ordinary Christians to share this good news with the world.
It is a book about Holy Spirit power; but, even more than that, it is a book imbued with Holy Spirit power. I have read it three times (going on four), and at each reading was compelled and empowered to go out and share the gospel—with family members, with co-workers, and with total strangers. It is that kind of book—it informs, inspires, impels, invigorates, and builds one’s faith in a God who acts and who saves. This is far more than just a fascinating, well-researched exposition of historical events in the early church (although it is certainly that); it is a book that makes you want to get up and ACT, in and by the power of the Holy Spirit.
There is much that is practical and personal in this book, from how to prepare for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit, to how to test the authenticity of one’s faith. Each historical event in the book of Acts is explained in the context of the early church and then applied in the context of God’s church today. Joanne Aiello says about the book: "It is hard to put the book down. It flows so well and is so encouraging. But I want to meditate on each morsel to examine my life to make sure that I continue to be a fit vessel to proclaim the glorious salvation that my Lord Jesus Christ has given me.”
This is a book for unbelievers, for herein the gospel is clearly articulated in every chapter. But even more it is a book for believers, especially those who "vigorously praise God within the church, but . . . are generally silent when it comes to declaring the praises of Jesus Christ to the world.”
If you have desired to share the gospel with others but have never truly done so, then this book is for you. As Pastor Mathew states in the opening chapter: "We must confess this sin and then purpose before God to begin speaking the good news to unbelievers. If we do this, God will enable us to fearlessly proclaim Jesus Christ in the power of the Spirit. For this is the mandate of the Master!”"
Dr. Lisa Case