The Sermon on the Mount has inspired prolific commentary yet most misinterpret its teachings or disregard it as irrelevant for the church today. The Wisdom of Jesus soundly rebuffs the moral relativism permeating our society by clearly and carefully expounding how this sermon defines how Christians must live. As citizens of the kingdom of God, Christians’ obedience evidences their allegiance to Christ. Starting with the foundational question, “Am I truly a citizen of the kingdom of heaven?” this book challenges its readers to examine themselves and, if they are Christians, ask whether their lives “demonstrate in increasing measure the character qualities that Jesus says his people must possess”.
Join Pastor Mathew in his exposition of Matthew 5-7 as he uncovers the real source of blessing: a happiness rooted in the grace and forgiveness of Christ. Each chapter unfolds the seeming paradox of how characteristics that modern society would dismiss – such as poverty of spirit, mourning and meekness - in reality bring “super-abounding joy” for the Christian. We can have joy in the knowledge of God, the hope of heaven and the power of the Holy Spirit which, unlike the materialism most thirst after today, is what we were created to enjoy! Each theologically rich section of teaching closes with practical application urging readers to examine how they are living their lives. In the final chapters he warns us that ultimately “God will reveal our foundations” on the last day. He therefore exhorts us to, through obedience, “build upon Jesus Christ so that [our] building will endure”.
330 pages
ISBN: 978-0-977114924
Join Pastor Mathew in his exposition of Matthew 5-7 as he uncovers the real source of blessing: a happiness rooted in the grace and forgiveness of Christ. Each chapter unfolds the seeming paradox of how characteristics that modern society would dismiss – such as poverty of spirit, mourning and meekness - in reality bring “super-abounding joy” for the Christian. We can have joy in the knowledge of God, the hope of heaven and the power of the Holy Spirit which, unlike the materialism most thirst after today, is what we were created to enjoy! Each theologically rich section of teaching closes with practical application urging readers to examine how they are living their lives. In the final chapters he warns us that ultimately “God will reveal our foundations” on the last day. He therefore exhorts us to, through obedience, “build upon Jesus Christ so that [our] building will endure”.
330 pages
ISBN: 978-0-977114924